Downtown Milan Development Authority
153 East Main Street
Milan, Michigan 48160
What is the DDA?
Generally, the goal of the Downtown Development Authority is to prevent further property value deterioration in the Development Area, to strengthen and revitalize the Development Area by providing incentives to attract new private development and to encourage additional private investments in the expansion of existing businesses.
Our Goals:
o Improve the safety and attractiveness of the Development Area to support existing and new private developments.
o Initiate efforts to encourage renovation and expansion of retail businesses.
o Participate in efforts to encourage new private developments in conjunction with public improvements.
o Encourage energy efficiency (i.e. green development) in all proposals for development and redevelopment in the Development Area.
o Encourage pedestrian, non-motorized and public transportation improvements in conjunction with private development projects.
o Encourage public/private partnerships to address infrastructure limitations
o Utilize all viable marketing techniques to ensure continued viability of the Development Area.
Who is the DDA?
Jessica Meingasner
Executive Director of DDA
Chris Baker
Treasurer of DDA
Joe Pusta
Board Member
Carrie Ritchie
Chair of DDA
Mayor Ed Kolar
Board Member
Patrick Shannon
Board Member
Dr. Shannon Dare Wayne
Vice-Chair of DDA
Aby Cryderman
Board Member
Debbie Splitt
Board Member
Annie Baldwin
Secretary of DDA
Jesse Nie
Board Member
Tony Thompson
Board Member