Milan Main Street: It's Happening! Help keep it happening by taking the $10 Main Street challenge!
Have you enjoyed Main Street events like the Let's Chill Winter Fest, the Wine Walk, 3rd Thursdays, or the Route 23 Arts & Music Festival?
Are you excited about all of the new businesses opening in the Main Street district?
Do you love seeing the beautiful new signs hanging from store fronts in our downtown?
Were you excited to see the addition parklets on Main Street for outdoor dining and heating elements in Tolan Square?
Have you enjoyed the newly implemented MOSA district?
Did you enjoy Deck the Trees or the Downtown Read-a-Round?
If so, please consider helping Milan Main Street reach their winter fundraising goal of $5,000 by making a contribution of $10 or more.
This year, we are also giving you the opportunity to select how you want your donation to be directed. When you make your donation you can select one of the following options:
GENERAL FUND: General Fund donations are distributed across our of our programs and initiatives.
ECONOMIC VITALITY: These funds will be directed to programs that directly support our businesses such as the Survive and Thrive grant that was established to help provide businesses with financial support during the COVID-19 Crisis.
DOWNTOWN DESIGN: These funds support programs that make our downtown look beautiful. Funds are used to support the downtown banner programs, purchase items to keep our downtown looking cleaning, fund grants that support businesses with facade improvements and signage, holiday decorations, seasonal plantings, and more
EVENTS & PROMOTIONS: These funds help Milan Main Street implement events like 3rd Thursdays, the Downtown Read-A-Round, Win the Window, Let's Chill Winter Fest, Pop on Main Street, and Deck The Trees.
You can also mail a check to:
Milan Main Street
PO BOX 284
Milan, MI 48160
John Acker
Maya Adrine
Bill and Jane Alexander
Mike Angstadt
Suzie Armiak
Dave and Trish Baldwin
Chris, Rachel, Lily, Nolan & Brayden Baker
Ana Maria Barge (Magnolia on East Main)
Rhonda Barron
Craig and Jennifer Barker
Carol Barrett
Christy Bates
- Sarah Beelmann
- Ellen and Mike Bell
- Kristen Bennett
- The Bladen Family
- Carl Blaine
- Jen Bookout
- Salvatore Calabrese (Digital Brewery)
- Helen Callow
- Rick Carter
- Kimberly Carpus
- Jan Charter
- Sarah Chinavare (Milan Children' Preschool)
- John and Sandy Collins (The Collins Center)
- Phillip Cook (State Farm Insurance)
- Aby Cryderman
- Sarah Cullum
- Jason Danek (JDs Pizza)
- Heather Dunn
- Ashley Eichner-Pendell
- Joyce and Paul Emerson
- Sarah Farmer
- Tom, Kelly, Maya, and Landon Faro
- Jana Federer
- Fender's Bar & Grill patrons
- Heather Finch
- Kirsten and Steve Frait
Cliff and Jodie Franklin (Jodie Franklin Realty)
Karen Fraser
Julie Friese
Melissa Gallagher
Maria and Marcos Garcia
Bridgitte Gates
Ann Gee
Rochelle Giasi
Heather Gotts
Emily Gray
Danielle and Robert Grostick
John Gruden
The Hair Lounge
Glenna Hale
George Hamden
Ryan, Nicole and Joshua Harden
Laura E Harvey
Dan and Michelle Heikka
Erin Held
Lisa Helfen
Jenn Henry
Veronica Hensler
Jenny Hill
Leslie Hoffman
Rhonda and Bill Hosler
Kemmerlyn Immekus
Kim Jasper
Kelli Jenness
Jones Insurance
Angela Justice
Amanda Kaiser
Jack and Karen Kanitz
Patty Kanitz
Carrie Karvonen-Gutierrez
Adam & Breann Karoub
Lisa Keilman
Linda Kentes
Kelsea Kerkes
Rick Kerkes
Jillian Kleismit
Betty and Wally Kniceley
Jodi Knox
Josh Kofflin
Denise & Ed Kolar
Jessica Kremski
Nichole Kuenzel-McDaniel
Susan Kuhnke
John and Betty Leacher
Diane Leistman
Montgomery Lindeman
Stefanie Lorey
Janet Losee
Kyle Lott
Mike Mallach
David Martin & Sue Collar
Linda Maury
Kate McChesney
Kelly McClanahan
Rachelle McDaniel (Northern Chicks)
Michele McGovern
Joanne McLaughlin
Carole Meingasner
Jessica Meingasner
Melanie Merrifield
Shelia Meyer
Alexis Mick
Kerri Moccio
Stacy Moore
Herb and Julie Morelock
Kerri Morrow
Dina Motsinger
Helen Neill
Philona Noland
Chris and Jodi Overbeek
Jenn Penn
Katie Pfeiffer
Rex and Betty Plasters
Colleen Porter
Courtney Pusta
Ryan and Jaime Quayle
Rich and Ann Racette
Jeff Rafko
Jayne Randles
Jerry and Adair Renning
Tammy Richards
Annie Riddle
Carrie and Martin Ritchie
G. David Rorrer
Dave and Molly Runkel
Beth Santure
Elizabeth Satterly
Marissa Schoffner
Jay Sinclair
Liz Smith
Norma Smith
Tim and Denene Smith
Debbie Splitt
Adam & Stephanie Squires
Newt & Linda Squires
Kelly Straub
Joanne Stevens
Chelsea Summers
Jackie Sweet
Brian Szczechowski
Erin Tellas
Nancy Tetens
Jill and John Tewsley
Angela Thomas
Chris Thompson (Christian's Catering)
Lou Thompson
Amy Timbers
James Timbers
Jaclyn Tolles
Alexandra Toppins
Uncle Lay Lee's Moonshine All-Stars
Timilee Vaughn
Kate Wagner
Ryan Walker
Amanda Warren
Shannon and Kevin Wayne
Flannery Wayne
Mary Kate Wayne
Bebe Wayne
Chris and Carolyn Wetzler
Robert Wilder
Ashley Willis
Ryan Wilman (The Owl)
Marie Wilnow
Sherry Winterson
Barbara Gardinier and Ed Wollman
Cindy Wood
Heidi Wuerthele (Dance Xplosion)
Jamie Vesper
Susan Yasi
Julie Zawacki
Christine Acker
John Acker
Naida and John Albin
Alane Alexander
Michael Armitage
Teresa Babcock
Brayden Baker
Chris Baker
Lily Baker
Nolan Baker
Rachel Baker
Dave and Trish Baldwin
Dick and Sallie Bancroft
Craig Barker
Rhonda Barron
Christy Bates
Sarah Beaverson and family
Ellen Bell
Shannon Betrus
Kimberly Brantley
Dan, Mel, Madison, Macy, & Daniel Budd
Shannon and Dave Budd and family
Salvatore Calabrese (Digital Brewery)
Dana Carelli
Erika Chatell
John and Sandy Collins (The Collins Center)
Aby Cryderman
Andrew Cummings
Ron DeVore
Justin Dunn
Tom Dupuis
Ashley Eichner-Pendell
Joyce Emerson
Vicki Englebert
Laurie Engelhart
Mindy Fairbanks
Kelly Faro
Landon Faro
Maya Faro
Tom Faro
Jana Federer
Teresa Ferenczy
Sarah Finch
Heather Frampton
Cliff Franklin
Evan Franklin
Jodie Franklin (Jodie Franklin Reatly)
Karen Fraser
Mary Frazier
Laura Fudge (Fudge Beauty)
Ann Gee
The Giasi family
Chris Gill
James Gill
Evelyn Gill
Nancy Gill
Robert Gill
Scott Goodwin
Heather Gotts (Jones Insurance)
Arielle Greenlee
Danielle Grostick
Laura Hagley
Rhonda Hall
George Hamden
Laura and Dominic Hamden (Hamden Law)
Joshua Harden
Nicole Harden
Ryan Harden
Lisa Heflin
Dan and Michelle Heikka and family
Brent Held
Erin Held
Veronica Hensler
Renata & Benjamin Herr
Jonathan Hicks
Greta Hill
Harper Hill
Jenny Hill
Ken Hill
Owen Hill
Anna Hogan
Sheryl Hutton
Ryan Johnson
Stacy Johnson
Jack & Karen Kanitz
Jeff & Patty Kanitz
Karis Kanitz
Lisa Keilman
Linda Kentes
Ashley Kerkes
Kelsea Kerkes
Rick and Mary Kerkes
Jeff & Lisa Koch
Josh Kofflin
Denise Kolar
Ed Kolar
Evan Kolar
E.J. Kolar
Alissa Kovacs
Ryan Kovacs
Laila Kujala (Laila Kujala Art Studio)
Carol Kuhnke
Susan Kuhnke
Melissa and John Leroy
Lindsay Lumpford
Kevin Maury
Kate McChesney and family
Michele McGovern
Hattie Drew Meingasner
Jes Meingasner
Madison Meingasner
Bob Meyer
Karen Meyer
Kerri Moccio
Brad Neuhart
Michelle Nie
Chris Overbeek
Deborah Perry
Margaret Prince (Life is Sweet Bakery & Cafe)
Lori Pryor
Ryan and Jaime Quayle
Annie Riddle
Christine Riley
Lacey Ringuette
Ringuette family
Carrie Ritchie
Rachel & Ryan Royal
Eva Ruff
Dave Runkel
Molly Runkel
Rose Sanch
Beth Santure
Elizabeth Satterly
Lafe Schneider
Jay Sinclair
Matt & Sheena Slavicek
Jade and Deb Smith
Lauren Smith
Liz Smith
Dave Snyder
Allison Spencer
Newt & Linda Squires
Kati Staples
Nancy Tetens
Alden Tewsley
Jill Tewsley
John Tewsley
Maxine Tewsley
Sharon Thatcher
Clara Thiry
Angela Thomas
Julie Thomas
Christian Thompson (Christian's Catering)
Louann Thompson
Tony Thompson (Fender's Bar & Grill)
Arden Tomacek
Matt, Kristi & Gavin Tomecek
Timilee Vaughn (FitMod)
Katherine Wagner
Amanda Warren
Bebe Wayne
Flannery Wayne
Kevin Wayne
Mary-Kate Wayne
Shannon Wayne
Monica Webster
Christopher Wetzler
Mike Williams
Ryan Wilman (The Owl)
Stephen & Jerilyn Wilson
Kelsey Winter
Edward & Barbara Wollman
Heidi Wuerthele (Dance Xplosion)
Julie Zawacki